I've been slacking lately. At everything.
I'm at a weight even I'm not comfortable posting (one might deduce that it is more than 152 ...).
I'm not exercising. I work out once a week ... Just to say I did.
I never clean the house. We have two dogs.
The last time I wrote a blog post I had a kid in diapers...
The list could go on and on ... But I won't bore you. Essentially I've lost my mojo. I need to find it. I would like to be in shape, not eat enough for a family of four and have a clean house. But the question is ... How much do I want it?? The answer is pretty simple ... Obviously not enough. I have a million and one excuses as to why I don't do all the things I want but even my four year old would say they are bull. I wonder when I will get there ... Or maybe it is more how I will get there?
But enough of the 'poor me' - I'll get to the point ... What are your tips and tricks? I have to get my mojo back. I don't like where I am heading and would like to snap out of it.
Oh, and side note - for all you early risers ... How the heck do you get out of bed so early? I'm a continuous snoozer and I hate mornings but I NEED to get to work sooner. Any recommendations or tips would be much appreciated!
P.S. Next post won't be about weight ... Promise :)