Lately the human race has been testing me. Well, in all honesty its been two men testing me. The jerk behind me on the Parkway last night and the jacka** parking attendant who gave me a parking ticket today.
Yesterday, I stopped and let a bunch of people in ... ALL of these people kept on going to get over to the furthest lane. I knew this was what would happen, that's what always happens. Absolutely NO ONE went in front of me. But since traffic was at a dead stop (due to a red light!) I figured why not let these people in and get home to their families. And as I was about to move forward this a-hole honked at me and shot me the finger. And then I saw him ranting and screaming at me. I of course returned the gesture ... to only then notice he had a young boy with him. Are you serious?! That is what you are teaching your child?! (Note: my children were not with me.)
I was so mad I was shaking. I couldn't believe that my kind gesture was paid back by this kind of act. He then tried to chase me on the Parkway but I could see his wife pleading with him not to be a dick ... sorry honey, you're not going to win that battle. Once a dick, always a dick.
And then today, I go in to work for a few hours ON MY DAY OFF ... I'm a federal public servant. I love my job, I am lucky to have it. So to go in for a few hours with my daughter was no big deal. But I was 15 minutes late due to Blair being so darn cute that everyone (even people I didn't know) wanted to see her ... and this is how I am paid back: I took off running once outside knowing I was late ... the parking attendant (here on out known as Dick #2) saw me coming with three bags and a baby in a crappy umbrella stroller. He didn't even flinch. He kept on processing. And when I finally made it to my car he just looked at me with this blank face and said "I'm sorry".
Dick #2 wasn't ready for my reply though ... "Don't lie, you're not sorry." He didn't like that too much. But seriously, if you have to give me the ticket, fine, I can accept that ... but to show no compassion or understanding?! So as I said on Facebook, Dick #2:
I wish for you a flat tire and subsequently a parking ticket. Wait ... make that two flat tires. And a speeding ticket. And your mother should wash your mouth out with soap since you were lying when you said you were sorry.
For the first Dick, I wish that you are paid back in kind x10. I hope you are treated very very poorly after doing something nice (if that's even possible given your genetic makeup).
I know its not nice for me to wish bad things on people, but I am sick of people treating others so poorly. I wave when someone lets me in a lane, I say hi when I pass people in the street, I smile at complete strangers ... it takes no effort and lets people know we appreciate the things they do or that we at least see them.
So maybe if Dick #2 gets a flat tire this lovely long weekend he'll know its from me and next time he sees a mother with a young child running he'll give her a break. And maybe the next time Dick gets honked at maybe he'll remember what he did and say a silent "sorry".
well said!