Saturday, January 28, 2012


That's the sound that would have come out of my mouth had the wagon been real ...

I had so hoped to stay on this time, but .. as you have probably already guessed I did not. I have a million excuses as to why I didn't ... but none of them are worth sharing. They are the typical ... bad day, my hair is terrible, I didn't sleep well, etc. But really what they are is pathetic reasons not to feel bad for making myself a bowl of icing.

I almost feel like I'm suffering from the January blahs and I can't seem to shake them. For the past four years January has always been a month of change:

- January 2008: Adam was born.
- January 2009: Back to work after mat leave.
- January 2010: Blair was about to be born and I started mat leave.
- January 2011: Returning to work.

But this year there is no big change. Nothing on the horizon. So its me versus January. I know I'm not alone in this battle, I've had many conversations about the blahs. But what I haven't determined is why the blahs happen. Why is January, a month of 31 days (like six others), so so so long??

I want to kick this feeling. I've worked out three times this week and am hoping to hit the gym tomorrow. This usually does the trick for me but not so far. This is one brutal battle. January is determined to win. I'm not exactly sure what to do next but I have to figure something out. It took a lot to post my weight a few posts ago ... I'd hoped that would help. Since its on its way up I'm figuring that is a no.

Anyways, I whine and I whine. Whining gets me no where (except now I want icing, yet again). My next post will be positive ... its may be '101 ways to eat chocolate' but it will be positive.

Just had to put these blahs down on 'paper'.

If anyone out there suffering from the blahs has any tricks - do tell - there are many of us out there that want ideas to break free from them!!

1 comment:

  1. Januaries suck balls. Februaries are not much better. It has to do with the lack of sunlight.
    Jaclyn, quit your whining and stop fretting about stuff that doesn't matter. You have two beautiful kids and a husband who loves you.
    I get fatter every winter from too many calories and not enough exercise. But I refuse to weigh myself. And I will not diet. I did just read an interesting book though. It's been around almost 30 years and it's not preachy at all. It's called Fit for Life. The authors (husband and wife) lay out some simple guidlines to help your body help itself. I'm by no means transformed into an athlete, but I feel great and I haven't been sick all winter. Check it out, sister.
    Take care,
