Monday, September 6, 2010

Time to indulge ...

... because tomorrow I am turning over a new leaf in terms of my eating habits and exercise. While I know its necessary (I am currently pondering what order I should eat my lava cakes and chips) its still a little depressing. I love food ~ its awesome. I know there are people out there who can have just one, I'm just not one of them. I'm more in the 'ok, just one more' category ~ this leads to overeating and feeling crappy.

So tomorrow I am going to break out the running shoes and try to eat better. While losing a few pounds would be welcome, I want to do this to feel better. I feel soooooo much better when I am active and eating relatively healthy (notice I put 'relatively' in there ~ I am realistic that I will still eat cake and chips, just hopefully not as frequently as I do now). I am a better mom, a better wife, a better friend, really a better person when I am active. I also want to set a good example for Adam ~ I'd say Blair too but she's sooo lazy, just sits there all day ;) ~ I think its so important for him to see James and I as active people, because I want him to be active too. What's that expression? Lead by example.

I am not particularly looking forward to the 'oh my ... shoot me' feeling I am going to have as I try to get one foot in front of the other at a decent pace, but I am looking forward to the feeling once I am done!

Fingers crossed that I actually do it this time ~ I'll be honest, I've said I would do it before ... a few times. I am going to use My Fitness Pal ( to help me out ... and anyone who wants to join me for a walk/jog/run please let me know!

I hope you had a great long weekend!

P.S. Just in case you were wondering ... its going to be chips then lava cakes (with whip cream on top).


  1. You can do it Jacs!!!! CROSSFIT ALL THE WAY! You got this buddy.. we'll be behind you all the way from here! xoxo

  2. I will be joining you Jac! I am restarting my active lifestyle too so I will join you any day for a walk - I am no runner ;) but I can power walk like nobody's business!
