Saturday, April 16, 2011

Look! An ab!

Yes, those words came out of my mouth the other day. I found an (read: one) ab. Top left. This was very exciting given my current physical state. I started the year off so gung ho ... even registered to run a half marathon (whole other post) but the days are flying by and exercise is the very very last thing on my mind. My mind is preoccupied with other things like what to eat for dinner, does Adam have clean underwear (this morning he did not = emergency laundry session), work, cleaning, surviving ... but not exercise.

I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't have the energy. And I know full well that if I exercised regularly I would feel better and have more energy but its starting that is pretty much impossible.

I see all these fit, toned, slender moms around me and wonder how the heck they do it. I am tired ALL DAY. I wake up tired, I go to work tired, I come home tired, and I go to bed tired. I have become a slave to caffeine. Even when the kids were infants and keeping me up all night I didn't need this much caffeine. I now add milk to my tea in the morning (ewwwww) to get it into me faster.

And even worse, what I get the most satisfaction from is food. Chocolate mainly. And chips if they are handy (and by handy I mean Walmart keeps them in stock ~ I went on an emergency run for Spicy Doritos last week).

All of this equals me being in the worst shape I have ever been and missing my abs. And for those who don't believe me ~ I was talking to Adam the other day and mentioned something about a loop hole and at the same time I adjusted my pants. James was quick (innocently) to point out that it wasn't a loop hole ~ it was a tire. I was mortified since I was not talking about my waistline with Adam.

Its definitely time to hit the exercise ... but to find the energy, I don't know. I suppose it has to come from within, but right now all my within wants is a Snickers bar.

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