Thursday, October 21, 2010

You're (not my) best friend.

Adam has started telling people they are his best friend. Most often James is his best friend but sometimes I get the call of duty and I can't believe how something so innocent can put such a big smile on my face.

But on the flip side, he sometimes throws down 'you're not my best friend'. And even though I know he has no clue what he is saying it does sting a little bit.

This has got me to thinking about when I was a teenager and some of the things I said and did ~ mainly to my mom. Most vivid in my mind is one evening my mom was driving my cousin and I to a party (you know, the parties in the basement where we all sat in groups and giggled). At the time my mom was working her butt off for very little money so we didn't have a greatest car (think clunky old red ford station wagon) and it needed a new fan belt (it made a horrible screeching noise ~ yes, that's a technical description, you can ask any mechanic). As we were pulling up I asked my mom to drop us off a few houses down so that no one saw us get out of the car. So awful. She was working so hard to give my brother and I everything we needed and I was embarrassed by a bloody car.

I'm sure I threw down the 'I hate you' at least a few times, and I went out without telling her (I'm sure making her sick to her stomach), and probably countless other things that broke her heart without really thinking about it.

Do I wish I was a more considerate teen? Yes. Do I wish I could take some things back? Of course. Am I prepared for the moments similar to these that I will experience with Adam and Blair? Absolutely not.

My socks choke my ankles.

Its already been established that I need to work out more but this is a new low. Whenever I wear socks I feel like they are strangling my ankles. I really don't think this is related to the, ahem, few pounds that I have accumulated lately ... I think its because this summer I only wore flip flops (yet another upside of maternity leave) and my lower extremities are rejecting being covered.

It honestly feels like my ankles are being choked out. I only wear socks when I leave the house ~ when I get home the first thing I do is take them off. I might have to learn how to knit to make myself some loose socks!!

Anyone else feel like this?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I was so desperate for sugar I just ate a spoonful of brown sugar.

Send help.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Yet again James and I were faced with a daycare related decision. We are totally happy with the care Adam is receiving in his current location but were recently offered a spot at a centre in our school district. Seems like an easy decision right? Especially since he'll have to move at some point before he starts school. But it really wasn't an easy decision. Adam has friends at his daycare, he knows the building, he knows the teachers ... to uproot him seems almost mean. In the end we decided to switch him as we think it will be easier for him now rather than changing daycares and schools all at once.

But this got me thinking of all the decisions we're going to face when it comes to our kids. Its scary. I mean, I know we do what we think is best as there are no crystal balls, but it still scares me. Until we made the decision to switch him I had an ache in the pit of my stomach and I have a feeling that ache will be there more than not.

I don't want my children to suffer for the decisions I've made, I don't want them to resent me, I want them to be happy ... I hope they understand that later on, especially when it comes to the bad decisions (because lets face it, there will be bad decisions or at least decisions we could have made differently).

I still remember my dad saying no when I got invited to play soccer with the EODSA ... not the big leagues or anything but it was pretty cool to be asked. Looking back I know he just wanted me to focus on school but I certainly didn't agree at the time. Will our kids understand our decisions? Probably not all of them ... and that sucks.

I know we can only do our best and hope that it all works out in the end, I just hate that feeling in the pit of my stomach ...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Superhuman Eating Powers!

Its true, I possess superhuman eating powers. Some may wonder if its true but I can assure you, my husband does not (as he is currently watching me eat pumpkin cheesecake post turkey dinner which included pumpkin pie).

We just got back from our third of four Thanksgiving feasts. These four dinners have been spread out over five days but I probably ate enough during the first meal to sustain me for five days! There is something about a turkey dinner with all the fixin's that I just can't resist, especially mashed potatoes and gravy ... so delicious. When I was a kid the sight of turnip and brussel sprouts would make me gag, but now they are just one of the many things I love around the table at this time of year. The only thing I don't really enjoy at Thanksgiving is cranberry sauce ... I know most people like it but I could honestly do without, to me its a spot on the plate that could hold more potatoes or carrots or turkey or squash or ...

Tomorrow we are going to James' parents' for Thanksgiving dinner and I will surely once again consume more than my fair share ~ I justify this by thinking that since I have celiac and can't have the buns I can totally have a double portion of mashed potatoes! Makes sense right?!

I hope you are all having a wonderful Thanksgiving ~ while I am consuming these giants meals I am thinking of all the things I have to be thankful for which really is so much it at times can be overwhelming. I am such a lucky girl. Pretty soon I might be a round ball, but I will be a lucky round ball.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We bought a membership to the City of Ottawa. We never use it.

This week though I have been twice and fully intend to use it much more. Yesterday I had a date with my unfriend the treadmill so today I thought I would try something new. This something was Zumba. The description in the brochure made it seem like dance-type aerobics. Sounded like fun. Imagine my disappointment when I arrived and the majority of the class is 50+ ... including several who were at least 60. I was thinking to myself that I'd have to hit the treadmill again after the class to break a sweat because there's no way these old folks can bring it. HA! Ya right.

The teacher begins the class with a little intro ('how y'all been, have some new songs, hope you're ready for a good work out') ... and then the music starts and out come these wild dancing-aerobic machines! Each and every one of them knew all the steps (I'll get into the steps in a bit) and all of the songs which were mainly current chart toppers. I couldn't believe it - on a few levels - 1) they knew all the words to each and every song 2) they moved their hips like, well, real dancers 3) I definitely broke a sweat and 4) they were hootin' and hollerin'! It was awesome ... aside from the fact that I was the only newbie and looked like I had two left feet.

And man, the moves these woman were doing ... a lot of hip action, some cowboy ridin' (I am serious), butt shakin' ... I felt like I was in a club. Needless to say I had a great time and will go back again ~ I just hope I can keep up a bit better next time! And I hope when I get older I can move like these ladies!!


So last night we took a nice family walk, and Adam decided to take his 'motorcycle' ~ we of course insisted that he wear his helmet. During the walk two young girls (I'd say 10 or 11 years old) passed us, no big deal right? Well, at the end of the walk they were huddled on the path drawing something (my theory that it was for a school project ~ I remember being sent out to draw stuff all the time, which for the record I hated) ~ at this point Adam decided that he should take off his helmet because he wanted to put up his hood. Oh my ....!!!! He was totally trying to look cool for these girls ... at least eight years his senior!!

The worst part was when we said he had to wear his helmet if he was going to ride his motorcycle ~ instead of putting on his helmet he got of his bike, picked it up and carried it!

I'll say it again ~ we are SCREWED!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Drawing a blank .. no catchy title today!

Last night nine girls got together to welcome a new friend to Canada. The guests mainly went to the same high school together sauf two who are honorary members of our high school. Even though we all went to school together, we rarely see each other and are all at different points in our lives with different priorities. This could have spelled a recipe for disaster ~ instead, it was an evening of great conversation (most of the time there were several conversations underway), lots of laughs, and people genuinely caring about how others are doing and what is keeping them busy these days.

This got me to thinking about how lucky we are ~ who would have thought the friendships we established in high school (in some cases elementary school!) would have developed into something so awesome that even though we don't see each other much ~ when we do get together its like nothing changed.

Not once was there a lull in the conversation, not once was there an awkward silence ~ we even forgot about the cake! I know ~ how could I forget about cake?! Just goes to show how great a night it was.

There is only one downside to the whole evening ~ since I hosted I am left with a ton of food I really shouldn't be eating including chips, chocolate, apple crisp, and veggies and dip ... so needless to say ~ the diet starts tomorrow ;)

Friday, October 1, 2010

A new section!

Yup ~ I am getting crafty and adding sections!

As I stated in the section (at the bottom of the webpage) ~ I am making myself accountable ... to my blog (imagine trying to explaing that one to your grandparents). Everyday I am going to write in what I did for exercise ~ even if it is nothing. I promise that if it becomes another section in which I just rant about how evil physical activity it will be deleted.