Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm a sinker.

So, a friend convinced me to try an aqua fit class. I didn't want to go, I have mocked aqua fit for as long as I have known it existed, but since she tried Zumba with me I figured I should probably just suck it up. So one Friday morning I joined the old women pretending to work out ... or so I thought.

Oh my ... it is SO hard. And there is no cheating ~ somehow the instructor sees when you're slacking and calls you on it (I know this from first hand experience). You're going left, then right, then trying to touch your toes, then running on the spot, and then, and then, and then, etc.

And on top of this, even though I had a floatation belt on (everyone wears them, I wasn't being lazy) I still sunk. So apart from having no clue what I was doing and being called out for not trying hard enough, I was trying not to drown. I watch the clock for 45 minutes straight (when I'm not submerged that is).

My friend stated matter of factly that I must be a sinker. She says its because muscle weighs more than fat. LOL, I can assure you that is not my problem. I'm also a traveller though and this doesn't make me popular with the die hards ~ old ladies (sorry, seniors) are very serious about their aqua fit.

I should have known going in that this wouldn't be easy ~ she used to teach it and is dropping baby weight like its nothing (she also leaves the pool with dry hair ... me, not so much). Next time, I won't judge a book by its cover!