Thursday, June 2, 2011

Toilet Seat Etiquette

Public washrooms are no one's favorite place. But there is no need to make the experience worse for others.

I completely appreciate that the thought of sitting on a public toilet seat is revolting. It is. I understand the need to hover. I also understand that we all have days where our aim is off. This is to be expected - for example, the day after you run a half marathon sans training you may have trouble staying steady and therefore your aim may be off. This may is result in 'spray'. And don't bother denying it - every single one of us has missed on occasion.

What I don't understand is not cleaning up after yourself. If you sway and spray - deal with your mess. There is no need to leave it there for the next unlucky person.

As you may have guessed I recently walked into a stall that was subpar on cleanliness - and of no fault of the cleaners. There was piddle everywhere. I just can't stomach the thought of cleaning up someone else's mess. Disgusting.

So, the next time you spray - think of the next person that will be walking in there or think of grandma's rule: leave places cleaner than how you found them.

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