Monday, February 14, 2011

I get it now.

Shortly after we had Adam there was a news story about a woman who had left her infant (I think the child was 10 months old but I can't say for sure) in the car when she went into Tim Horton's. My initial reaction was that this was terrible. How could anybody leave their child in the car?! And then I couldn't believe that the police and CAS found there to be no issue. How was that possible?! She left her baby in the car!!

Um, ya, I get it now. It is a serious pain in the a*s getting the kids out of the car ... car seats, buckles, wiggling ... argh. I get that she was probably exhausted and just needed a coffee to stay awake to be able to take care of her baby.

So far I have only left the kids in the car to go pay for gas but I admit I have considered 'just running in' to the store many times. It would save so much time to be able to run in and run out. I know I won't do it, I won't leave them in the car, but I also know I shouldn't have judged that woman.

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