Thursday, February 3, 2011

So much I will miss.

My kids have brought me so much. So much joy, so much love, so much happiness. But beyond this, because of them I have made, reconnected and strengthened so many friendships with truly wonderful women.

I can still remember the day (over three years ago!) I saw someone I knew from high school sitting in the OBGYN's waiting room ... turns out we were due around the same time, turns out we both had boys, turns out she is a great friend. And she introduced me to a lovely friend with a little girl close to Adam's age and energy level that is so kind, so honest and also appreciates the chai lattes.

And then there's the old work buddy (high school job = cashier at drug store) who too was has a baby around the same time as I had Adam ... and she was starting up a playgroup. In this playgroup I met some great, genuine and thoughtful people who I now consider great friends.

There's the fellow soccer player who I knew but not really well ... but is now definitely a friend, someone I trust. She is open, caring and sincere and also has an interest in lugging the kids around on our backs while snow shoeing!

And there's the colleague, who has been a friend for a while, but is now one of my closest buds. She knows who she is and I hope she knows how much I will miss rockin' to the zumba beats with her.

While I will miss Blair and Adam the most (goes without saying) ~ I will miss these ladies so much. They are rocks, constantly there for each other and without whom I am not sure I would have survived some days. To know there are people out there who get what you are going through at that exact moment, and beyond that are willing to listen to you ramble on and on about it is invaluable. I know this isn't goodbye, but I also know that time in the evenings and on weekends is so limited and there won't be many chances for Starbucks dates.

So, a big thanks to you all. You're all wonderful.


  1. Ooh baby baby, La La La La La La La...I will miss you! xo

  2. Ooo drop it to the floor ... :)

  3. Thank you for posting your feelings and thoughts on made me realize that I'm not alone...this truely is the toughest job out there...It's a relief to know that other moms/parents are going through the same things.

  4. I'm already missing you! I hope that the transition back to work is going well! Let's plan a snowshoe date soon, before the snow melts! xo
