Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My life - a series of unfinished conversations!

At least that's what it feels like. Today I went to my grandparents' house with the objective of making a few crafts and chatting with my grandma (grandad was outside cursing their tractor). As I was driving home I realized that we must have had 10 ~ 12 unfinished conversations. Not because either of us is ridiculously forgetful, but because we were constantly being interrupted ... crying baby, misbehaving three year old, crying baby, hungry three year old, three year old who decided he needed to run, baby stuck behind chair, etc., etc., etc. And each of these times I started a new conversation, not because I was bored of the previous discussion but because once interrupted that thought is gone from my brain!

This got me to thinking ~ since having kids I am not very skilled at finishing conversations. This is not on purpose but because I am interrupted many, many times a day. This is also true of tasks. I set out to do a lot in a day but rarely do as kids are usually on my tail. I need to start making my to-do lists more realistic so I don't feel like a complete and utter failure at the end of the day.

But I have to admit I have noticed my attention span starting to shorten lately ~ I wonder if this is due to the constant interruptions and therefore my brain is not used to finishing thoughts/conversations/tasks?

So, my apologies that if in the past three years I have had unfinished conversations with you ~ it is not because I didn't find the topic interesting or important, its because I've been interrupted and then lack the skill to return to the previous topic. If this occurred before I had kids ... I have no excuse ...

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you are talking about Jac...I'm always losing my thoughts. And I should really try and reduce my to-do lists as well...I'm never getting them even close to accomplished. I also used to be awesome at multi-tasking and now after having a baby I am lucky if I can completely finish one task!
