Thursday, December 2, 2010

Must be somewhere in between.

I hate to keep coming back to zumba but really, its a great workout and a great source for blog posts.

Recently I have been questioning my level of maturity and where exactly I stand. I am thirty now, I figure I should be quite mature but sometimes my thoughts land on the immature side. For example, in zumba there is a woman who is always at the front of the class, always has crazy hair, wears a bandana, is always out of sync (if we are supposed to be going left she is going right) and often adds her own flare to the moves. I'm not describing her well, but when she rocks out I have two thoughts:

1. Bhah ha ha ha ha!
2. Good for her for having the confidence to just 'do her thing'.

See what I mean? Its like the thoughts of an immature person vs a mature person yet they are both mine. Maybe having both is a good balance ... I'm an adult but I'm staying youthful? Or I'm insane. I like the first option better.

I wonder if my grandparents still laugh internally at immature things?


  1. Funniest woman ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am with you on the maturity front. But I think
    that is what it is all about...there is a time and place for being serious...but you gotta be young at heart at times. Fun police my ass ;)

  2. Is that a siren I hear? Nope... just Jaclyn and Keslie breaking up the fun.

  3. My husband is a punk.
    (said with much love and adoration)

  4. I just don't even know how to respond...I blame Pat

  5. One day Kels, we will show these two how to have fun and then they won't know what hit them!
