Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Negativity does not = bad.

I feel as though lately my posts regarding my children have been fairly negative ... and this really isn't fair to them. Adam and Blair are wonderful. They make us laugh every day and the thought of them makes me smile from ear to ear. It can be very trying as a parent but it really is amazing to watch the grow right in front of you. Adam will be three in two days ... this is absolutely insane to me. I still remember holding him for the first time like it was yesterday. I remember driving to the hospital wondering if this was 'it'.

In the past three years so much has changed ~ and aside from the dent they have made in our pocket books (because, lets face it ~ kids are expensive!) ~ its been awesome!

On a daily basis we get a great quote from Adam. A quote for the memory banks ... this is pretty darn awesome. Here are two of my favorites:

"Mommy, my penis is tired of watching soccer."

Adam: "Daddy, is that your Adam's apple?"
James: "Yes it is."
Adam (pointing to his Adam's apple): "Is this my Daddy's apple?"

As we embark on the 'terrible threes' I am a little nervous (who knows what to expect), but more than that I am excited. I wonder what curve balls he will throw at us?? I'm sure there will be many!

So, for all my negative, whiny posts, there could be thousands of positive ones ... ones documenting moments never to forget. Moments like the one yesterday where I realized that Blair has figured out zippers and tupperware containers (realized due to the pile of cheerios she was surrounded by ~ which had been safely hidden in her closed diaper bag).

Realistically, my posts will probably continue to have a somewhat negative flavour since this is my release and one doesn't tend to need a release from the wonderful moments. And lets face it ~ sometimes its the frustrating, irritating, infuriating moments that provide for the best read! But for the record ~ my family is the absolute best and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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