Monday, January 3, 2011

My apologies to Kate Gosselin.

Strange topic, yes. And it means admitting that I was once a Jon & Kate + 8 fan (to be honest, I was a pretty loyal fan, it was entertaining to me ... I am no longer a fan, stopped watching once it got more about the drama and less about their kids).

But I do have something for which I need to apologize. When watching I would judge her because she ALWAYS wore jogging-type pants. My thoughts were along the lines of 'put some effort into it' or 'get up a bit earlier and put something nice on'. This was obviously pre-kids.

Now that we have two kids (you know, 25% of the kids she has) ~ I completely understand why she spent her life in jogging pants ... its easier! Its easier to throw on a pair of jogging pants in the morning, its easier to chase kids around in jogging pants, its easier to bend over and pick a child up 500 times per day in jogging pants. Its just easier. Since having kids my jogging pant wardrobe has increased significantly! (although I have yet to buy a pair of lululemon pants ... those at least make your butt look good!)

When I do wear jeans I regret it all day ~ no matter how comfy or how stretched out they are its still a little bit harder to bend, run, change directions at a moments' notice (Blair is now climbing stairs), etc.

So my apologies Ms Gosselin (if that is in fact what you are going by now) ~ I shouldn't have judged, I just didn't understand. Now I do. And now I am wondering how I am going to wear dress pants to work for 8+ hours per day once I go back in February, they just aren't comfortable.

P.S. Jogging pants are especially easier after the holidays ... when my old friend The Tire returns.


  1. booooooooooooooooooo to dress pants at work!!! I hear ya on the jogging pants! Amen to that!

  2. This post makes me sad. The next step is PJ pants. :(

  3. Don't worry James, once I go back to work the jogging pants will be forced into retirement .. which means no slippery slope to pj pants.
