Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Conversation with a Friend

Ever have those conversations that have a huge impact and its likely the other person has no idea the impact they have had? Recently I went to a friend's house for a playdate. Now, playdates are really my excuse to have adult conversation and this one takes the cake. I was explaining how sometimes I felt a little lost, like an overemotional basket case ~ and her response was that she totally understood and at times has felt like a shell of her former self. In my head I was thinking 'that's it! that's exactly it!', I hadn't been able to put it into words and she articulated it to perfection.

We then spoke about the next milestone ... turning 30 ... gulp. She said that while she loved her twenties, and wouldn't change a thing about her life, she felt she didn't accomplish everything she had wanted (uh, ditto!) and was going to make the most of her thirties. And now she's starting her own business!!

Seems like a fairly harmless conversation but what it did for me was reaffirm that I am not crazy (well, not completely), I am not alone, its ok for me to focus on my kids and my career, and that I have great friends.

Thanks for the chat ~ and the nachos :)


  1. blogs are fun for expression of deep thought, family news, hobbies and sometimes(a lot of the time over @ A Stroll With The Floyd), pure jibberish. when are we riding again?!

  2. I totally understand where you are coming from. That is why I found some sort of solitude in Hysteria Lane. Some people thought it was weird to have "Laner friends," but what they didn't get, was that it was a way to share or vent what I was feeling that day to people that "get it" because they are in the exact same boat.

    There is a definite sense of release in knowing that there are people out there that share the same emotions, problems and experiences that you do...the commonality brings you some reassurance of self worth, that you are a good parent but that you are just human.

    People always say that you don't understand what it's like to have kids until you do. It's just like you can't explain what labour pains feel like until you experience them yourself; there are no words - just a prediction of what the future holds. That's all parenting is in my perspective.

  3. Your friend sounds extremely insightful! I should get a hold of her to have a chat ;)
    You've inspired me to dust of my blog. I love the look of yours.
