Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm afraid of ...

Skinny jeans.

Its true, they terrify me. I don't really have a style but now that I am done having kids I would like to find 'my' style as well be 'in' style. It seems that skinny jeans are sticking around, which means for me to be in style I should probably invest in some but I traditionally have avoided fashion items which include the word skinny.

My thinking is that they would look great with a pair of boots but I can't rely on the salespeople as they will tell me anything looks nice to get a sale which means I might make a fashion misstep ~ because lets be honest, skinny jeans are not for all.

So ... Who wants to go shopping? Brutal honesty a must.


  1. skinny jeans are dumb. and i don't know a guy who likes the way they look.

  2. Dude if I can do it, you can do it! And I am down for shopping any day!

  3. We should bring Kelsie and get skinny jeans and boots (but wait until I have room on my credit card! :)

  4. I'm in ... just don't get room on your cc too quickly ... I need to start working out before hand!
