Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm an auditor - not a negotiator!

Last night before bed we started our normal routine:

Me: "Adam, please clean up your toys."
Adam: (ignore mommy and make more of a mess)
Me: "Adam, please clean up your toys."
Adam: (put one toy in bin, continue playing)
Me: "Adam, please clean up your toys."
Adam: (two more toys make it to the bin)
Me: "Adam, clean up your toys."
Adam: (give mommy blank stare)
Me: "Adam, clean up your toys."
Adam: "No."
Me: "Clean up your toys or I am throwing one of them out!"
Adam: "No! Not my toys." (but no attempt to clean up)
Me: Throw out toy. (note: this is a great way to get rid of the broken toys they haven't been willing to part with)

And on and on it went. By the end I was close to losing my mind. I know I am dealing with a child but really ... is it necessary every single night? Each time I am so close to just doing it myself but I know that will result in a child who never cleans up.

I have tried every tactic - taking away toys, time out, no hot milk before bed, etc. etc. and he just doesn't care. I suppose I wouldn't want to clean up either (I have a house that needs tidying in a bad way but instead I am blogging) but its my job to teach him tidy up after himself ... so that battle will continue tonight ... so looking forward to that! ;)